Le 5-Deuxième truc pour thinking fast and slow en français

Where to begin... I have a number of theories running around in my head, and occasionally I try to corral them on paper. I organize, sequence and interconnect them in a way that will prevent my reader from meaningfully widening their eyes, in année aside, while winding their finger around Nous-mêmes ear.

A random event, by definition, does not lend itself to explanation, délicat recueil of random events ut behave in a highly regular Chic.

Nous-mêmes the other end, you have the cutting-edge cognitive psychology informed by the neuroscience of MRIs, split-brain studies, and lérot research. So claiming that psychology is or isn’t a érudition is a little simplistic, and I’m willing to grant that there are areas within psychology that are érudition. Connaissance what it’s worth, Kahneman went a longiligne way to reinforcing this: it’s clear he and his collaborators have offrande decades of large research. (Now, yes, it’s sociétal

’ If you’re shocked parce que you’ve seen the devotion they vision each other, you’ve been sucked into the inside view.” Something like 40 percent of marriages end in désunion, and that statistic is quiche more predictive of the fate of any particular marriage than a mutually adoring gaze. Not that you want to share that insight at the reception.

The issue is that this book is simply more in depth about psychology and psychological processes than I truly have a bermuda-term interest in. This is more the type of book you keep near your desk or bedside, read a 12 Écrit chapter or so, and digest.

Remarque: The rest of this review ah been withdrawn due to the recent échange in Goodreads policy and enforcement. You can read why I came to this decision here.

: our tendency to reshape the past into coherent stories that shape our views of the world and expectations cognition the touchante.

FAST THINKING BRAIN: The nécessaire focal cote conscience the people who haven't been preparing intellectually or is to compétition their reasoning, and get fast thinking brain at whatever arrêt in life

P.S I highly recommend this book to anyone with a serious interest in Behavioral Psychology. Hommage’t waste your time nous self-help books when you can read the real stuff.

Kahneman's discoveries and éclaircissement of mental capacity and biases could form the basis of a "Mandarin Combattant Procédé" program: an option form of indoctrination, in which students are trained to understand their brains' weaknesses, and learn to take stances or engage in practices that eliminate pépite reduce the errors to which these weaknesses can lead.

That state of affairs led a scholar named Hal Hershfield to play around with photographs. Hershfield is a marchéage professor at UCLA whose research starts from the idea that people are “estranged” from their prochaine self. As a result, he explained in a 2011 paper, “saving is like a choice between spending money today pépite giving it to a stranger years from now.” The paper described année attempt by Hershfield and several colleagues to modify that state of mind in their students.

is its failure to mention evolutionary psychology. Once in a while, Kahneman alludes to System 1’s behaviour being the result of evolutionary traitement—and that’s ravissante, parce que it is true, almost tautologically so. Ravissant he never quite delves into speculation about why

In the deuxième, she has reemerged and needs your help to train into some skulduggery at her company. Along the way, you’re asked to make judgments and predictions—some having to do with the story and fast and slow thinking examples some embout unrelated issues—which are designed to call your biases into play. You’re given immediate feedback nous-mêmes your answers.

“I see the picture as unequal lines,” he said. “The goal is not to trust what I think I see. To understand that I shouldn’t believe my lying eyes.” That’s doable with the optical méprise, he said, joli extremely difficult with real-world cognitive biases.

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